Baking soda vs Baking Powder and how to use them effectively

Baking soda vs Baking powder Have you wondered what the difference was between baking soda and baking powder?Were you ever in the process of making something which required one of these leavenings only to realize that you didn’t have the one which the recipe listed? And if so, did you simply substitute one for the…

Citrus Magic: Lemons, Limes and Sour Oranges

It never ceases to amaze me how flavors come together in food preparation. In my opinion, cooking can be compared to alchemy. Like magic, ingredients and spices marry together to produce wondrous outcomes. A good cook seeks to balance flavors ranging from sweet, savory, spicy and acidic and transforms them into tasty delights. Too much…

Easy Delicious Cheese and Walnut Rounds

If your household dynamic is anything like mine, it’s always a good thing to have some tasty treats or snacks on hand, in addition to my family, there are always friends, houseguests passing by. As a consequence, I am always preparing either freshly baked or partially prepared goodies for the freezer. Having ready made items…