Mirliton, the prickly pear

Before I came to Haiti, I had never tasted Mirliton. I had actually never even seen it before, as it is not native to Guyana nor to South America for that matter. It is quite a popular vegetable here and is used in salads, stews; but the most delicious preparation is in the form of…

Mac ‘n cheese is the ultimate feel good food

What is it about the combination of pasta and a rich cheese sauce that evokes the most wonderful feel good memories of good times, childhood, family, and home? I am a mom to three children ranging from 25 to 13 years of age. Undoubtedly, all three of them will agree that mac ‘n cheese is top…

How Spices Influence our Food

Spices are so very important in food preparation. This is inevitably what allows each type of cuisines to differentiate itself, and create its own distinctive flavor. Throughout history, we have seen how the huge demand for spices created historical trade routes across continents and seas. Christopher Columbus bumbled and miscalculated his voyage across the Atlantic in…

Delightful Soursop Juice

The juice of the soursop is so delicious and unique. I thought I’d share the recipe that we use in Haiti for Jus Corrosol. INGREDIENTS 1 medium Soursop, ripe approx 2 cups 3 cups water 1/16 tsp freshly ground nutmeg 1/8 tsp salt Sugar to taste milk, optional Serves 4 DIRECTIONS Peel the soursop and put…

Favorite Caribbean Breakfast

All over the English-speaking Caribbean, you can find “Bakes”. This iconic little bread’s name is a misnomer. Unlike the name suggests, this homey, slightly sweet bread is fried to a golden brown perfection and not baked as the name may imply. In Guyana, Bakes are often made for a breakfast and are traditionally served with…

Banana Bread: A familiar comfort

I have a pet peeve about wasting: I HATE IT!!! I always find a use for ripe fruits converting them into jam and jellies, or using them for pies. Bananas are no exception to this rule. I make ripe bananas into banana bread, muffins or beignets. No waste and everyone’s happy! I think that Saturdays…

Mango is King of the fruit in Haiti

Every year at the beginning of spring, we begin to see signs that mango season is approaching. A select few fruit vendors start to timidly bring out the first mangos of the season. There are mango trees to be seen all over Haiti, their branches heavy with the impending bounty of the season. By the…

Pizza trio! Mamma Mia!!

Today I made three types of pizza to satisfy all of the family members’ different requests. I came up with these three varieties; bacon-cheeseburger and ham, bacon, onion, and basil for the meat lovers, and ratatouille for the veggie lover. I woke up this morning trying to decide what to make today and pizza came to…