The Hearty Comfort of Noodles and Pasta 

What is it about pasta and noodles that makes us feel content and happy when we eat them? It is supposedly the heightened level of serotonin produced in the brain, which gives us the feeling of wellbeing and comfort. When I eat Chinese style noodles in a restaurant or at home, I usually have them…

Small Pleasures 

 Pretzel rolls fresh out of the oven I love cooking with my daughter Gabby. She's thirteen and has been shadowing me in the kitchen since she was a baby. Her keen interest has grown and developed since she could stand on a chair to reach the counter. We enjoy cooking and experimenting in the kitchen…

Must have pantry staples

 Have you ever been in a situation where you had some friends stop by unexpectedly and you wanted to offer something with drinks but you didn't have much in your pantry or fridge? Are you tired of buying dinner out or eating fast food instead of making something more nutritious for yourself and family? In…

Handy Baking Tips

My love of cooking and baking was something which began when I was about 7 years old. My grandmother catered and I often went along with my mother to help her when she had large orders and needed extra hands in the kitchen. I would help make bouchée cases with pastry, which would be later…

Summertime salads

Once June rolls around in the tropics, the sun shifts its axis in the sky, the days get longer and the heat index soars. I love the sun, but I hate the heat. In fact, summer in the Caribbean is my least favorite time of the year. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the year…

For the love of  Cilantro 

         Cilantro leaves Cilantro may bear a resemblance to flat leaf parsley, but it is unlikely that one can be confused with the other in terms of taste. This wonderful herb is also known as Coriander, Chinese parsley, or Mexican parsley. Cilantro packs a punch in the flavor department, and adds an…

A nostalgic afternoon 

This week, I am on a little vacation. Although I am in very familiar surroundings, it’s always a pleasure to have foods which remind me of my childhood and home. Isn’t it amazing how food and tastes can take you back to places and situations? So many of our memories are associated with tastes and…

How to use leftovers effectively

I have a pet peeve about wasting… I dislike it immensely. I am a firm believer in getting my money’s worth. I find it abhorrent to waste food, and as such, I have found ways to transform leftover meat, rice, and vegetables into new dishes which can be put together economically. Family members who may groan at the…

A Family Milestone 

Today, my parents celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary. I have been thinking about this for a while and am awed by this achievement. How many couples today can attain this level of unity? The symbolism of 50 has long been considered as the attainment of “the total man”. It also represents 2 generations and “the…

Coffee Culture in Haiti

Anyone who knows Haiti or Haitians knows that coffee is synonymous with this culture. Arabica Coffee is grown in the Haitian mountains at high altitudes and the beans are roasted artisanally all over the country by locals for consumption by Haitians from all walks of life. “Bonjou, koumen nou ye? Ou vle yon ti kafe?”  “Good morning,…