Carambola Jam

In my yard in Guyana stands a beautiful,mature and very prolific carambola tree. In my memory it was the perfect tree. It was not too tall that the fruit were inaccessible, nor too flimsy that it could not bear the burden of the fruit it bore; it was just right. Its mature trunk was thick…

Passion Fruit Mousse

With passion fruit in season, it’s quite easy to find these delectable delights everywhere. I buy them buy the dozen and my family are spoiled with fresh passionfruit juice several times per week. I have also been making portion controlled packets and freezing them for use whenever I need them. The pulp and seeds keep…

Custard Apple and Cachiman

Such a rush of childhood pleasure fills me as I sit here and eat this fragrant custardlike fruit. I have been eyeing this one here for the last 24 hours and waiting for it to ripen perfectly. I just touched it and one of the outer bumps moved in revealing the cream colored inner flesh…

Enchanting Passion Fruit Curd

I distinctly remember the first time I tasted passion fruit. I was about 6 years old and we were visiting family in Trinidad. Even at this age, I was absolutely wowed by the flavor of this exotic and exciting fruit. I exclaimed, "What kind of juice is this?" I had already fallen in love with…

Summertime cooler: Watermelon Cucumber Mojito

I have to find ways to keep cool in the height of Summer here in Haiti. I honestly feel that every year the summer is hotter than the previous one. Yes, I was born in a country which is 10 degrees north of the Equator, but sometimes I feel like I can barely tolerate the…

Caramel Banana Pecan Upside Down Cake

Last Thursday, we were given an entire hand of sweet fig bananas from a good friend, who is a farmer. We got these while they were still green and as such, we hung them in a hook in our kitchen. You may be wondering why there are paint marks on the skin of the bananas….